handel perspectives

Bringing order to a chaotic world

Written by JP Hansen | Aug 12, 2024 8:09:03 AM

When I started handel, I didn’t set out to change the world. I started handel to pursue my passion for B2B marketing and communications with a consistent and steadfast focus on creativity and happy clients.

Fast forward ten years and it’s undeniable that we live in a messy world. Wars. Global cost of living crises. Spiralling interest rates. The war for talent – and actual wars. Climate change. And at home – record unemployment, a lacklustre economy, rampant crime and corruption, energy insecurity…

I believe (B2B) marketers have the power to counter this messiness and negativity with three things in their work:

  • Creativity: I’ve said this many times and will say it many more times. Creativity in B2B is alive and well. B2B should never be boring. Never. Apply a different lens. Shift your thinking. Think better. Think bold.

  • Simplicity: Keep your messages simple and memorable. Just because it’s B2B, doesn’t mean it has to be complicated. Does your activity or campaign answer the simple question: what problem does my product, service or solution help the customer solve?

  • Differentiation: Be brave. Break away from the herd.

Yes, we don’t represent FMCG brands that appeal to mass markets. We don’t have the luxury of big budgets to deliver brand campaigns to spread messages of hope. But what B2B marketers (agency and in-house) can do, is delver impactful campaigns that deliver results. A successful campaign equates to a happy client or happy stakeholders.

We won’t solve the world’s (many, many) problems, but doing stellar work is a great place to start.